Queen of Hearts 2020
February 20-21-2021
Volunteer Information
Equipment Set p will happen on Thursday night after practice, Friday all day (9am-4pm), and Saturday morning leading up to the start of the first event at 8am.
- Thank you for volunteering at your Queen of Hearts Invitational.
- Please arrive on time for your shift.
- Check In with the Volunteer Coordinator at the front desk when you arrive.
- Upon entering the building, each volunteer must:
- Apply hand sanitizer provided at the front desk, or apply your own personal hand sanitizer.
- Face coverings are required upon entry, exit, and at all times while inside the building. If you need to remove your face covering, please exit the building.
- Temperature checks will be taken at the front door. Volunteers with temps of 100.4F will not be allowed entry into the building.
- Wear a tee short, sweat shirt, pullover/hoodie , or jacket that has Xtreme Heights Gymnastics printed on it (front and/or back), if you can.
- While in the gym, volunteers should refrain from gathering in groups. Maintain six feet between you and the next person.
- Please park in the lower lots next to West Creek Pkwy and walk up to the gym.
- If volunteering on the floor and you need to be relieved while the meet is in session (bathroom break, feeling ill, need water), call Allison (804) 201-5650 or Oscarina (804) 218-8626.
Equipment Set p will happen on Thursday night after practice, Friday all day (9am-4pm), and Saturday morning leading up to the start of the first event at 8am.
Create signage to remind of safe distance protocols. (Stay 6ft Apart, Wear a Mask, No Water Fountain, No Concessions, Entrance/Exit)
FLOOR - TIMER (Floor Judge Table (above))
FLOOR - SCORE FLASHER (Floor Judge Table (above))
FLOOR - RIBBONS (Floor Judge Table (above))
- Set up judges tables, set up hospitality table.
- Judges should have comfortable seating at one or two tables with nothing obstructing the view from the judging table to the apparatus.
- Judges' tables may include safety partitions.
- Each judge table should have a care package (zip lock with pens, pencils, hand sanitizer)
- At the conclusion of last session of awards, the gym should be put back to its original condition
- Afterwards, collect all signs and return to the front desk, if any.
- Afterwards, collect all decorations from inside and outside and return to the front desk, if any.
- Move all furniture and vacuum entire waiting room, lobby, and hallways
- Put sofa back, social distance chairs in waiting room (judges room)
- Place décor on glass table
- Set up food/beverage table near the window (keurig, k-cups, sweeteners, stirrers, platters for muffins, napkins, spoons, cups, etc)
- Set up marble folding table for judge/coach sign in sheet (ask Allison for sign up sheet and pens)
- Stick air freshener in the wall
- Socially distance chairs
- Wipe down/sanitize all tables and chairs
- Cover tables with table cloths
- Sweep/mop kitchen floor
- Clear sink and counter top of dishes
- Clean stalls. Empty trash in stalls. Place bags in trash cans in each stall.
- Make sure two comfortable chairs are in the bathroom.
- Sanitize bathroom sink. Clean mirrors. Empty trash and replace bag at bathroom sink.
- Decorate sink and place air freshener on sink.
- Make sure paper towel holder is fulll.
- Stock cleaning supplies, extra trash bags, paper towels under the sink.
- Sweep/mop floor.
- Ask every person entering the building to use the thermal temperature monitor.
- ANY PERSON with a temperature of 100.4F or above may not enter the building. If a gymnast, get their name and let them know they will receive a refund less cost of the host gift.
- Ask the following health and safety questions:
- Do you have symptoms of COVID-19 (including fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, loss of taste or smell) or has those symptoms within 72 hours of the competition?
- Have you traveled or participated in any gatherings or public places with 10 or more people without proper social distancing in the past two weeks?
- Have you traveled in an airplane the past two weeks?
- Have you had close contact to an individual diagnosed with the COVID-19 infection?
- Have you been recently diagnosed with COVID-19 (and remains infectious according to CDC guidance)
- In the past 14 days, has been in close contact with an individual who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or who has symptoms of COVID-19.
Create signage to remind of safe distance protocols. (Stay 6ft Apart, Wear a Mask, No Water Fountain, No Concessions, Entrance/Exit)
- From the CDC: <<https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus>>
- Other COVID Signs from USAG: <<XHG Google Drive/COVID Meet Signs>>
- Print the Ribbon Color Score Sheet. <<USAG Ribbon Score Color List>>
- Decide which signs are needed.
- Each sign should be printed and laminated.
- Determine the location for each sign and make sure it will be visible and can't be moved.
- It is recommended that this volunteer wear a face shield as well as a face mask/covering.
- If weather permits, this will take place outside on the sidewalk.
- Determine the location for athlete and coach check in.
- When the athletes will arrive, write their athlete number on the back of their left fist with a black sharpie.
- Check each athlete/coach off on the session roster.
- Use the temporal thermometer to take each athlete/coach's temperature. No one with a temp above 100.4F will be allowed entry.
- If an athlete/coach has a temperature above 100.4F, that person will not be permitted inside the gym. Affected athletes will receive a full refund less the cost of the host gift.
- Responsible for putting up signs to direct athletes/coaches to their registration.
- Have a meet schedule for reference on warm up times.
- Obtain athlete/coach roster from Meet Director for each session prior to the start of each session.
- Verify first name, last name, and gym affiliation matches what's listed on the athlete/coach roster.
- Direct athletes/coaches to the gym for modified open stretch.
- Give coaches details on coaches hospitality.
- Distribute athlete/coach host gifts after registration is complete for each person.
- This volunteer should report to this station 15-30 minutes prior the start of the next session for early check ins.
- This volunteer must remain in place until all athletes/coaches for the session have been checked in.
- Determine location for volunteer check in (ie front desk, virtual?)
- Have a comprehensive list of volunteers, time slots, duties
- Check volunteer names off as they report in
- Distribute and collect volunteer lanyards.
- Make sure bathroom is stocked with chairs, hand soap, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and air freshener.
- Make sure supplies are available for restocking and know where they are.
- Make sure bathroom is clean at all times
- Make sure floor and counters are clear and free from debris.
- Empty trash cans as needed and place in outside bins
- Make sure there are 2-3 comfortable sitting chairs available inside the bathroom.
- Make sure there are no spectators standing or hanging out in the hallway.
- Monitor both boys' and girls' bathrooms.
- Make sure signs should be posted to encourage social distancing and proper hand washing.
- Make sure a small sample of first aid supplies are visible and available in the bathroom.
- Determine location for hospitality meals.
- Judge and Coach meals will be delivered/purchased.
- Judge and Coach meals will be "grab and go" style. (individually boxed meals with utensils)
- No home made meals.
- Have a list of the number of coaches/judges for each session
- There will be no hospitality room for judges or coaches.
- Volunteer should return after each session for clean up and pick up any left over meals..
- It is recommended that this volunteer wear a face shield as well as a face mask/covering.
- Make sure all volunteers are on the floor and in place prior to the start of the session
- Make sure judges tables are set up correctly and all equipment is in good working order (iPads charged, iPads connected to same wifi, pens/pencils/pads, batteries, stop watchers, etc.).
- Make sure judges tables have candy bowls full of candy, water, cleaning supplies (and replenish periodically).
- Make sure each table has the <<USAG Ribbon Score Color List>> attached to each table.
- Make sure each table has bag of Achievement Ribbons. Restock between sessions.
- Make sure pipe and drape are in place, if needed.
- Make sure list of volunteer names and times are attached to each table (timers, score flasher, ribbons).
- Make sure iPad chargers are close by in the event battery charge runs low. IPad charges should be placed in a separate ziplock bag at each judge station. Charge iPads between sessions if necessary.
- Be the point of contact for the onside streaming team if they have questions or concerns.
- Turn the music on and off during competition
- Volunteer should remind coaches that all devices should be fully charged and on airplane mode
- Volunteer should make sure volume is turned all the way up before floor routines begin
- You may be on the floor for the entire session.
- It is recommended that this volunteer wear a face shield as well as a face mask/covering.
- Provide separate tables or a long table to maintain social distancing protocols.
- Each table may have a plexiglass partition between/in front of officials for two judge panels if space within a facility/gym layout makes social distancing challenging.
- Each table will include a gallon size zip lock bag with cleaning supplies (ie disinfecting wipes) for frequent cleaning of electronic scoring devices, such as iPads.
- Each table will include a gallon size zip lock bag with the ipad charger inside, to be used between sessions by the Floor Floater to charge iPads.
- Each table will include a one-page list of competition order to each judge to reduce the need to pass multiple papers from person to person.
- The judges are responsible for keeping the athlete score cards in order. This volunteer should have little to no contact with scorecards.
- Only one volunteer will sit at the judge table, separated by plexiglass. This volunteer will:
- Act as vault, bars, beam, and floor timer (training will be provided in advance - see below)
- Act as score flasher (see below)
- Hand out ribbons (see below)
FLOOR - TIMER (Floor Judge Table (above))
- Timer Sheets will be at each table with instructions as to how much time each level has to warm up on their specific event
- Volunteer is in charge of telling the coach when to start warm up and when to stop warm up (vault, bars, floor)
- The beam judge will give the volunteer instructions and let you know when to push the bell after 1 minute
- The volunteer has to allow the timer to be seen by the judge while the athlete is on the beam
- The timer/stop watch starts when the first athlete touches the apparatus during warm up
- This part of your job is done after warm up is finished
FLOOR - SCORE FLASHER (Floor Judge Table (above))
- Wait for judges to enter scores
- Change the score board to reflect final score
- Flash score for 5-10 seconds
- Leave score board at the table at the end of your session. If last session, bring score board to the front desk.
FLOOR - RIBBONS (Floor Judge Table (above))
- Volunteer should make sure they have enough ribbons for the session
- Volunteer should hand out ribbons to each gymnast after each performance
- Color of ribbon is determined by score. Refer to <<USAG Ribbon Score Color List>> that will be attached to each table
- At the end of each session, remaining ribbons should be placed in ziplock bag and sent to the front desk for restocking for next session
- Make sure there is an event name block, as well as double sided placement number blocks.
- Make sure medals have all been unwrapped and grouped by metal/placement type
- Make sure there are enough event medals ready to be awarded
- Make sure there are enough team awards/banners/trophies ready to be awarded, if team awards apply
- Make sure awards area is ready
- Determine decor for awards area, if any
- Make sure backdrop, podium stands/mats, and double sided placement numbers are in place
- Make sure athletes know where awards will take place.
- Make sure placement of awards ceremony will face cameras for live streaming.
- Test audio to make sure it's working properly prior to the start of awards
- Determine which of two volunteers will be the speaker/announcer for each session
- Make sure printer is working and ink cartridges are full, to provide awards sheets
- Volunteers will wear gloves and drape gold ribbon medals on her left arm. A second and third volunteer will drape red ribbon medals for second, third, and etc.
- For All Around, first, second, and third place will receive a tiara. This volunteer will also wear gloves and hand the tiara to the gymnast.
- Before each event is announced, place 'event name' sign in front of 1st place block, for photos.
- Make sure placement numbers are on the opposite side of the floor cards, so the athletes know which number to stand behind when approaching for medals.
- Awards Announcer - Should understand how ties are broken and announce this
- Awards Announcer - should call the athlete's first name, last name, gym affiliation, and their ranking/place according to their age group, starting with vault, beam, bars, floor.
- Each athlete will receive an All Around medal. 100% awards for All Around. 50% awards for events.
- Volunteers should hand out medals according to the athlete's placement when called by the announcer
- Volunteers will hand medals to athletes. DO NOT place medals around the athlete's neck.
- Get familiar with the procedures regarding awards in the USAG Rules and Policies Book
- After final sessions, arrange for clean up, take down, and storage of equipment used for awards
- At the conclusion, thank athletes and coaches for attending and supporting the event, and we hope to see them back next year.
- Should be upbeat and entertaining
- Arrive early to make sure sound system and microphone is in working order
- Provide upbeat music for downtime
- Provide upbeat music for march in
- Determine if National Anthem will be live or CD
- Pre-written script for march in
- Announce online scoring available thru MeetScores
- At the start of the meet, announce when and where awards will take place.
- Provide instructions for online live streaming access.
- Make sure judges/coaches know where to park
- Make sure no one parks in coned areas
- The parking lot attendant should wear a face covering.
- Send Thank You notes to organizations, vendors, and/or suppliers who donated items or allowed us to borrow items to make our meet a success (schools, churches, businesses, etc.)
- Also prepare handwritten thank you notes to each judge before they leave the last session. To be handed to them with their checks.
- Handwritten and mailed