Frequently Asked Questions
Understanding the Meet Schedule
The first time you look at your daughter’s meet schedule, you may be a little confused. The schedule is divided into sessions and levels. In general, lower level teams get early morning sessions, and more experienced teams get later schedules, but this is not always the case. The schedule itself will give you important information regarding the time the gym opens, when stretching is required, warm-up schedule, competition start time, and awards. It’s important to note that the exact time and date of your gymnast’s meet might not be available until a week or so before the competition is scheduled. If there’s ever a question about your daughter’s meet schedule or anything regarding a meet, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone other than the XHG meet coordinator or coach contact a host gym. Club Administrators and Coaches may contact the meet director(s) with any questions. Athletes and parents should direct questions to their own club staff. The host club will not respond to communications from athletes and parents.
When should I arrive at the gym?
As a rule, you want to arrive at the gym your gymnasts is competing in at least 30 minutes before open stretch starts. Arriving early helps your gymnast get a feel for the gym and helps you get a great parking spot. If the meet is spectator virtual, you should drop your gymnast off at the host gym in enough time to find a comfortable location with good Wi-Fi for you to stream the meet.
What is the competition event rotation order?
Your gymnast will always rotate in Olympic order (Vault – Uneven Bars – Balance Beam – Floor), even though they may not start on vault every time, they will still rotate in Olympic order.
Spectator Tips
When you are watching your daughter at a meet, you need to remember you are a spectator. Don’t try to be a judge or be a coach, just be a supportive parent who is eager to watch your gymnast shine. To be a responsible spectator, you need to follow the rules below.
Can I take pictures and/or videos at meets?
Yes. Just remember to turn off your flash. You may want to bring a battery pack or charger.
What’s a candy gram and should I buy one?
Each meet usually offers “goodie bags” you can buy for your gymnast to be handed out at awards. It is totally up to you whether you want to spend the money to buy them one. Some do, some don’t.
Can my daughter wear make up/jewelry?
Only one pair of stud earrings is allowed for jewelry. No extra makeup. If they are a teenager who normally wears makeup, they can wear their “everyday” makeup, but nothing more.
What’s an appropriate hair style?
Off the shoulders and out of the face. Can be buns, braids, etc. Just neat and should be able to “hold” through the meet. Sometimes the girls like to pick one particular hairstyle that everyone wears for a particular meet. Also sometimes a scrunchie or ribbon is made for everyone that matches. This is up to the “team” of that particular level. If you need help with hair, find a mom who is excellent at it and arrive early!! Bring plenty of extra hair gel, hair spray, bobby pins, etc.
Should I pack snacks?
The girls should have a healthy snack and a water bottle in their bag.
How are the age divisions determined?
Age divisions are determined by the host gym meet director. Age divisions are to be divided equally, depending on the number of gymnasts attending that particular meet.
How are scoring ties broken?
Event ties are broken by the gymnast with the highest all around score. All around ties are broken by the gymnast with the highest score in any individual event.
How does scoring work?
Gymnasts are often excited to see their scores and are a mystery to their parents and other spectators. A perfect girls’ score would be a 10.0 most of the time. Scores for each event determine where your gymnast will place on that apparatus. Scores from all events are added together to produce an athletes’ all-around score. In a team meet, the top 3 scores (depending on level) from each event are added together to determine the gym’s team placement for Team Awards.
What is the Development Program?
The Development Program (formerly known as Junior Olympic (JO)) is organized into ten different levels of training or competition. Each level has multiple age groups and opportunities for participation and competition. Competition is carried out at the local, state, regional and national levels through USA Gymnastics sanctioned invitational meets and championship level meets.
What is Xcel?
XCEL is an alternative USA Gymnastics competitive program offering individual flexibility to coaches and gymnasts. The goal of XCEL is to provide gymnasts of varying abilities and commitment levels the opportunity for a rewarding gymnastics experience. The Xcel program is organized into five different levels of training or competition.
What are deductions?
Compulsory gymnast routines (Levels 2-5) all have a start value of 10.0. Optional gymnast routines (Levels 6-10) all have different start values. The start value depends on the skills included in the routine. Each level has different requirements that the gymnasts must fulfill in order to get the maximum start value. Once the gymnast starts her routine, the judges will then take tenths away from the start value. Examples of deductions are falling, stopping, bent arms, bent legs, flex feet, spotting, lack of skills, falls, execution, etc. Deductions may also vary from one judge to another.
Who determines the order the athletes compete?
Competition order is determined at the discretion of the coach depending on bar sets, vault sets, etc.
Is my gymnast required to stay for the entire weekend of a competition to support her teammates in other levels?
Gymnasts are only required to stay for the session in which they compete. They may leave when their award ceremony is finished. They are welcome to stay to support other gymnasts at any level, but it is not a requirement. Often times our girls go out to lunch or dinner afterwards if it’s convenient.
What’s an event “scratch”? What’s a meet scratch?
To “scratch” means to be eliminated from an event or a meet. Event Scratch - A coach will hand in the “scratches” for their team at the start of each event to the judge. A gymnast can also be scratched from any event at the coach’s discretion. Some examples: Gymnast is not ready to compete on an event. Gymnast has an injury. Gymnast has shown poor sportsmanship. Meet Scratch - A gymnast has been scratched from all events; she cannot enter the competition. She may attend the competition to support her teammates, but she can not compete.
Why aren’t registrations due in the order of the meets?
The meet host determines the deadline for their registrations. As soon as XHG receives meet registration info, it is sent to our parents. It’s standard to have registrations due four weeks prior to meet date, however, some gyms require an earlier due date especially if it's likely to fill quickly.
When will I know what day/time my child competes?
The meet host is required to send their meet schedule two weeks prior to their meet. The schedule will be shared with our parents as soon as it is received.
The first time you look at your daughter’s meet schedule, you may be a little confused. The schedule is divided into sessions and levels. In general, lower level teams get early morning sessions, and more experienced teams get later schedules, but this is not always the case. The schedule itself will give you important information regarding the time the gym opens, when stretching is required, warm-up schedule, competition start time, and awards. It’s important to note that the exact time and date of your gymnast’s meet might not be available until a week or so before the competition is scheduled. If there’s ever a question about your daughter’s meet schedule or anything regarding a meet, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone other than the XHG meet coordinator or coach contact a host gym. Club Administrators and Coaches may contact the meet director(s) with any questions. Athletes and parents should direct questions to their own club staff. The host club will not respond to communications from athletes and parents.
When should I arrive at the gym?
As a rule, you want to arrive at the gym your gymnasts is competing in at least 30 minutes before open stretch starts. Arriving early helps your gymnast get a feel for the gym and helps you get a great parking spot. If the meet is spectator virtual, you should drop your gymnast off at the host gym in enough time to find a comfortable location with good Wi-Fi for you to stream the meet.
What is the competition event rotation order?
Your gymnast will always rotate in Olympic order (Vault – Uneven Bars – Balance Beam – Floor), even though they may not start on vault every time, they will still rotate in Olympic order.
Spectator Tips
When you are watching your daughter at a meet, you need to remember you are a spectator. Don’t try to be a judge or be a coach, just be a supportive parent who is eager to watch your gymnast shine. To be a responsible spectator, you need to follow the rules below.
- Turn off your flash
- Don’t enter the competition area
- DO NOT try to talk to or coach your child from the stands
Can I take pictures and/or videos at meets?
Yes. Just remember to turn off your flash. You may want to bring a battery pack or charger.
What’s a candy gram and should I buy one?
Each meet usually offers “goodie bags” you can buy for your gymnast to be handed out at awards. It is totally up to you whether you want to spend the money to buy them one. Some do, some don’t.
Can my daughter wear make up/jewelry?
Only one pair of stud earrings is allowed for jewelry. No extra makeup. If they are a teenager who normally wears makeup, they can wear their “everyday” makeup, but nothing more.
What’s an appropriate hair style?
Off the shoulders and out of the face. Can be buns, braids, etc. Just neat and should be able to “hold” through the meet. Sometimes the girls like to pick one particular hairstyle that everyone wears for a particular meet. Also sometimes a scrunchie or ribbon is made for everyone that matches. This is up to the “team” of that particular level. If you need help with hair, find a mom who is excellent at it and arrive early!! Bring plenty of extra hair gel, hair spray, bobby pins, etc.
Should I pack snacks?
The girls should have a healthy snack and a water bottle in their bag.
How are the age divisions determined?
Age divisions are determined by the host gym meet director. Age divisions are to be divided equally, depending on the number of gymnasts attending that particular meet.
How are scoring ties broken?
Event ties are broken by the gymnast with the highest all around score. All around ties are broken by the gymnast with the highest score in any individual event.
How does scoring work?
Gymnasts are often excited to see their scores and are a mystery to their parents and other spectators. A perfect girls’ score would be a 10.0 most of the time. Scores for each event determine where your gymnast will place on that apparatus. Scores from all events are added together to produce an athletes’ all-around score. In a team meet, the top 3 scores (depending on level) from each event are added together to determine the gym’s team placement for Team Awards.
What is the Development Program?
The Development Program (formerly known as Junior Olympic (JO)) is organized into ten different levels of training or competition. Each level has multiple age groups and opportunities for participation and competition. Competition is carried out at the local, state, regional and national levels through USA Gymnastics sanctioned invitational meets and championship level meets.
What is Xcel?
XCEL is an alternative USA Gymnastics competitive program offering individual flexibility to coaches and gymnasts. The goal of XCEL is to provide gymnasts of varying abilities and commitment levels the opportunity for a rewarding gymnastics experience. The Xcel program is organized into five different levels of training or competition.
What are deductions?
Compulsory gymnast routines (Levels 2-5) all have a start value of 10.0. Optional gymnast routines (Levels 6-10) all have different start values. The start value depends on the skills included in the routine. Each level has different requirements that the gymnasts must fulfill in order to get the maximum start value. Once the gymnast starts her routine, the judges will then take tenths away from the start value. Examples of deductions are falling, stopping, bent arms, bent legs, flex feet, spotting, lack of skills, falls, execution, etc. Deductions may also vary from one judge to another.
Who determines the order the athletes compete?
Competition order is determined at the discretion of the coach depending on bar sets, vault sets, etc.
Is my gymnast required to stay for the entire weekend of a competition to support her teammates in other levels?
Gymnasts are only required to stay for the session in which they compete. They may leave when their award ceremony is finished. They are welcome to stay to support other gymnasts at any level, but it is not a requirement. Often times our girls go out to lunch or dinner afterwards if it’s convenient.
What’s an event “scratch”? What’s a meet scratch?
To “scratch” means to be eliminated from an event or a meet. Event Scratch - A coach will hand in the “scratches” for their team at the start of each event to the judge. A gymnast can also be scratched from any event at the coach’s discretion. Some examples: Gymnast is not ready to compete on an event. Gymnast has an injury. Gymnast has shown poor sportsmanship. Meet Scratch - A gymnast has been scratched from all events; she cannot enter the competition. She may attend the competition to support her teammates, but she can not compete.
Why aren’t registrations due in the order of the meets?
The meet host determines the deadline for their registrations. As soon as XHG receives meet registration info, it is sent to our parents. It’s standard to have registrations due four weeks prior to meet date, however, some gyms require an earlier due date especially if it's likely to fill quickly.
When will I know what day/time my child competes?
The meet host is required to send their meet schedule two weeks prior to their meet. The schedule will be shared with our parents as soon as it is received.