COVID Guidelines
Effective Saturday, July 21, 2021
As you know, the CDC and Governor Northam have updated their recommendations due to the recent rapid increase in COVID cases, both in unvaccinated and vaccinated people, due to the Delta variant. Their primary recommendation is that everyone, both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, wear masks in public indoor settings in areas with substantial to high transmission. While we will not yet require everyone to wear a mask in the gym at this time, we do highly recommend it, especially if you or someone in your household is immunocompromised. As far as quarantine is concerned, please review the following guidelines:
For unvaccinated individuals who are directly exposed (around a person who is positive for more than 15 min), they must quarantine 10 days and get a negative test or quarantine a full 14 days (no test required). If you test positive during this time, you must quarantine 10 days after symptoms start or 10 days from the positive test results if no symptoms.
For vaccinated individuals who are directly exposed, you must quarantine for 5 days and then get a negative test. It is recommended you then wear a mask for 14 days post-exposure, even with a negative test.
For travel in the US, if you are vaccinated you do not need to test after travel. For unvaccinated individuals who travel, you do not have to quarantine or test unless you are in crowds with unmasked individuals or if you are around someone during your travel who shows symptoms.
Everyone should still watch for symptoms of COVID-19 and stay at home if you have any symptoms. You should get tested before returning if symptoms last for more than 24 hours.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for helping keep our gym family safe.
For unvaccinated individuals who are directly exposed (around a person who is positive for more than 15 min), they must quarantine 10 days and get a negative test or quarantine a full 14 days (no test required). If you test positive during this time, you must quarantine 10 days after symptoms start or 10 days from the positive test results if no symptoms.
For vaccinated individuals who are directly exposed, you must quarantine for 5 days and then get a negative test. It is recommended you then wear a mask for 14 days post-exposure, even with a negative test.
For travel in the US, if you are vaccinated you do not need to test after travel. For unvaccinated individuals who travel, you do not have to quarantine or test unless you are in crowds with unmasked individuals or if you are around someone during your travel who shows symptoms.
Everyone should still watch for symptoms of COVID-19 and stay at home if you have any symptoms. You should get tested before returning if symptoms last for more than 24 hours.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for helping keep our gym family safe.
COVID Guidelines
Effective Monday, Nov 16, 2020
Please read the following protocol that will begin TOMORROW. We must do our part to help everyone in our gym stay safe and to try to help prevent the gym from being closed again due to COVID. The following guidelines were created with the help of local pediatricians and Nurse Practitioners using government and CDC guidelines to help ensure the safety of your children as well as the staff. Please let us know if you have any questions. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!
Per Governor Northam’s most recent mandate we will be requiring all students, age 5 and over, to wear masks over the mouth and nose for the duration of their practice. (An exception may be made at Coach’s discretion when an athlete is doing “higher-level skills” where a mask may be deemed unsafe). Please make sure you have a mask that FITS properly!!
As of now, we will still have a break for TEAM members. Please make sure you are social distancing. Keep your mask on when not eating. Bring ONE snack for break and DO NOT SHARE. This is a chance to eat a quick snack, not to socialize.
This new rule is set to begin Monday, November 16th and end upon approval from the governor of Virginia.
No athletes will be allowed to enter the facility without a mask.
We will continue to follow social distancing and cleanliness guidelines put forth by the governor.
If a gymnast, pole vaulter, or any recreational class member tests positive for COVID, they must notify the gym immediately. They must quarantine for 10 days from the onset of symptoms. If on the 11th day, you have been 24 hours without a fever and symptoms have improved, you may return. However, if you still have a fever, you must quarantine until 24 hours fever-free. If asymptomatic, you must quarantine for 10 days from the positive test. There is no need for a retest.
If any Coach tests positive for COVID (gymnastics, pole vault, rec class), they must notify the gym immediately. They must quarantine for 10 days from the onset of symptoms. If on the 11th day, you have been 24 hours without a fever and symptoms have improved, you may return. However, if you still have a fever, you must quarantine until 24 hours fever-free. If asymptomatic, you must quarantine for 10 days from the positive test. There is no need for a retest.
The gym may have to be closed for a period of time depending on the situation.
If ANY PERSON tests positive for COVID that has been inside the gym, you must notify the gym immediately.
According to the CDC, you generally need to be in close contact with a person who has COVID-19 while they are contagious to get infected. Close contact includes:
If a family member was possibly exposed, but the athlete was NOT exposed, they do not have to quarantine unless the family member becomes symptomatic or tests positive.
If a family member is symptomatic or tests positive, all other family members must quarantine for another 14 days after the end of the positive person's 10 days.
At this time there is not any indication from the CDC that a person that was "possibly" exposed should quarantine or should be tested. If you do decide to be tested, please note that a test is NOT accurate until at least 4 days after the last exposure to the COVID positive person, unless you have symptoms.
If someone tests positive at the gym, a notification will be sent to all people who had possible contact with the person. We will try to indicate whether your child had "direct" exposure to the person or was just in the gym on the same day. Direct exposure would mean that the person was most likely within 6 feet of the positive person for an extended period of time. The name of the positive person will not be revealed. If you had "direct" exposure, we ask that you quarantine for 14 days. It is up to the parents to decide if their child needs to be tested. If it was a "possible" exposure, but not "direct" exposure, it is up to the parent to decide whether they want their child to quarantine and/or be tested.
If your child shows ANY symptoms of illness (i.e. runny nose, cough, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, etc.) they may not attend practice. In order to return, they must either quarantine for 10 days from the onset of symptoms, even if their symptoms resolve, or you can get a COVID test, and if the test is negative, you may return once the symptoms resolve and you have been 24 hours without a fever (unmedicated).
Effective Monday, Nov 16, 2020
Please read the following protocol that will begin TOMORROW. We must do our part to help everyone in our gym stay safe and to try to help prevent the gym from being closed again due to COVID. The following guidelines were created with the help of local pediatricians and Nurse Practitioners using government and CDC guidelines to help ensure the safety of your children as well as the staff. Please let us know if you have any questions. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!
Per Governor Northam’s most recent mandate we will be requiring all students, age 5 and over, to wear masks over the mouth and nose for the duration of their practice. (An exception may be made at Coach’s discretion when an athlete is doing “higher-level skills” where a mask may be deemed unsafe). Please make sure you have a mask that FITS properly!!
As of now, we will still have a break for TEAM members. Please make sure you are social distancing. Keep your mask on when not eating. Bring ONE snack for break and DO NOT SHARE. This is a chance to eat a quick snack, not to socialize.
This new rule is set to begin Monday, November 16th and end upon approval from the governor of Virginia.
No athletes will be allowed to enter the facility without a mask.
We will continue to follow social distancing and cleanliness guidelines put forth by the governor.
If a gymnast, pole vaulter, or any recreational class member tests positive for COVID, they must notify the gym immediately. They must quarantine for 10 days from the onset of symptoms. If on the 11th day, you have been 24 hours without a fever and symptoms have improved, you may return. However, if you still have a fever, you must quarantine until 24 hours fever-free. If asymptomatic, you must quarantine for 10 days from the positive test. There is no need for a retest.
If any Coach tests positive for COVID (gymnastics, pole vault, rec class), they must notify the gym immediately. They must quarantine for 10 days from the onset of symptoms. If on the 11th day, you have been 24 hours without a fever and symptoms have improved, you may return. However, if you still have a fever, you must quarantine until 24 hours fever-free. If asymptomatic, you must quarantine for 10 days from the positive test. There is no need for a retest.
The gym may have to be closed for a period of time depending on the situation.
If ANY PERSON tests positive for COVID that has been inside the gym, you must notify the gym immediately.
According to the CDC, you generally need to be in close contact with a person who has COVID-19 while they are contagious to get infected. Close contact includes:
- Being within 6 feet of a person who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, or
- Having direct exposure to respiratory secretions (e.g., being coughed or sneezed on, sharing a drinking glass or utensils, kissing), or
- Providing care for a person who has COVID-19, or
- Living with a person who has COVID-19.
If a family member was possibly exposed, but the athlete was NOT exposed, they do not have to quarantine unless the family member becomes symptomatic or tests positive.
If a family member is symptomatic or tests positive, all other family members must quarantine for another 14 days after the end of the positive person's 10 days.
At this time there is not any indication from the CDC that a person that was "possibly" exposed should quarantine or should be tested. If you do decide to be tested, please note that a test is NOT accurate until at least 4 days after the last exposure to the COVID positive person, unless you have symptoms.
If someone tests positive at the gym, a notification will be sent to all people who had possible contact with the person. We will try to indicate whether your child had "direct" exposure to the person or was just in the gym on the same day. Direct exposure would mean that the person was most likely within 6 feet of the positive person for an extended period of time. The name of the positive person will not be revealed. If you had "direct" exposure, we ask that you quarantine for 14 days. It is up to the parents to decide if their child needs to be tested. If it was a "possible" exposure, but not "direct" exposure, it is up to the parent to decide whether they want their child to quarantine and/or be tested.
If your child shows ANY symptoms of illness (i.e. runny nose, cough, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, etc.) they may not attend practice. In order to return, they must either quarantine for 10 days from the onset of symptoms, even if their symptoms resolve, or you can get a COVID test, and if the test is negative, you may return once the symptoms resolve and you have been 24 hours without a fever (unmedicated).